Friday, February 17, 2017

Just pictures and videos from Mason's 3rd birthday and his party!


He's really into dragons these days (from watching Shrek).  So, I found this cool dragon that blows "smoke" and walks using a remote control.  Well, the smoke worked once and the remote worked for about 30 minutes.  I don't think the dragon has been touched since.

Birthday baths in their birthday suits!

 We had immediate family over on Friday to celebrate.  It also happened to be Uncle Mike's birthday so he got celebrated as well.  The video at the bottom, with the 2 birthday boys, is so cute!

The birthday boys!
Three year old Mason and, well, an age roughly 10 times that for Uncle Mike.

I realized I never actually got a picture with Mason and his cake.  Luckily the video worked!

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