Friday, February 3, 2017

12 Questions Revisited

I was looking back at old posts and came across one from last January where I asked the boys 12 questions.  I thought I'd ask them again and see how much their responses have changed.  If you want to go back and look at the originals, the post is from January 22, 2016.

1.  What is something I always say to you:  Stop fighting

2.  What makes me happy:  when we be good boys

3.  What makes me sad:  when Molly dies (she's not dead...yet.  15 years old this summer!)

4.  How do you make me laugh:  when we tickle your feet

5.  What was I like as a little girl:  you had pony tails

6.  How old am I:  umm.......30?

7.  How tall am I:  6 ft

8.  What is my favorite thing to do:  shop or clean

9.  What do I do when you boys aren't around:  clean, clean, clean

10.  What am I really good at:  making designs, like on a paper

11.  What is something I'm not good at:  ICE SKATING!!!

12.  What do I do for a job:  weigh blood

1.  What is something I always say to you:  I gotta work in the office for a bit (which, is so not true.  But, that was the first thing Kade said).

2.  What makes me happy:  winning basketball games against Kade

3.  What makes me sad:  when Molly dies

4.  How do you make me laugh:  tell funny jokes

5.  What was I like as a little boy:  shooting baskets with basketballs

6.  How old am I:  99

7.  How tall am I:  6 ft 8 inches

8.  What is my favorite thing to do:  shoot baskets at open gym

9.  What does Erik do when boys aren't around:  work on the lockers

10.  What am I really good at:  building lockers

11.  What is something I'm not good at:  running the coffee maker

12.  What do I do for a job:  computer stuff

I thought I should include a picture of the lockers that Erik built!  
Kade was right, he is really good at building lockers!

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