Saturday, April 30, 2016

Thank You For Being a Friend

Now that nice weather is upon us (for the most part, anyway) we have been spending a lot of time playing with friends!  Kade and Mason LOVE play dates and, I'm not going to lie, so do I!!  I remember thinking, before kids, "why would anyone want to go along with their kids to a friends house?!?!  That's so weird!"  Obviously Mason isn't old enough to be dropped off at a friend's house to play and even though Kade is the mom's have just as much fun playing as the kids do!!  I love watching the boys have so much fun with other kiddos!

A couple Wednesday's ago we enjoyed the nice weather with Violet and Isaac.
These 3 drove around in this gator until the battery was completely dead.  Mason smiled and giggled the whole time.

Isaac, on the other hand, was not a fan of the backseat.

These 2 discovered that if they let it sit for a minute the battery would recharge just enough for it to drive for about 10 seconds.  It was a perfect amount to keep them safe from the crazy driver behind the wheel!

These 2 had fun racing each other up and down the sidewalk.
Violet is a quick little bugger, beating Kade off the line almost every time!

Kade has been spending a lot of time with his friends that he met in his preschool class this year.  They are a great group and they all get along so well together!

Last Thursday the 4 boys were at our house before Erik got home from work and they kept asking, "When is that really big kid going to get home so he can give us a ride on the 4 wheeler?"  

 The following Saturday, Charlie and Tucker spent the afternoon playing at our house.  Here they are deciding where to put the "hunting cabin" they were going to build.

Erik's dad showed up with the supplies and the boys (I mean, grandpa and Erik) got to work building!

But Kade, Charlie and Tucker sure did look cute helping!!

The finished product (Charlie and Tucker had to go home before it was done):

Here's the 3 amigos again at an after hours preschool function:

And finally, last night we had a WHOLE BUNCH of people over for pizza and playing.  9 kids and 6 parents--it was mass chaos but it was a blast!  The kids raced their bikes up and down our driveway, walked through the woods in the dark with flashlights, had a bonfire, at junk food and destroyed the basement (seriously, a tornado of toys ripped through).  While the moms and dads enjoyed their "adult beverages", chatted, and kept the troups in line.  Can't wait for more nights like this in the summer!

We did manage to get the big kids to sit still long enough for 1 picture.  This was at the end of the night when they were tired enough to want to sit down!
L to R: Tucker, Trey, Kade, Charlie, Lauren, Porter, Charlotte

Meanwhile, these 2 were upstairs cleaning up all of the leftover food on the plates.  And, when I say "cleaning up" I mean "eating"!  Harper and Mason are a match made in heaven--I've never seen another kid enjoy food as much as Mason does!  

Mason is only 4 months older than Harper.
Maybe this is their first "couple" picture?!?  

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