Wednesday, April 6, 2016

We had to say goodbye to our daycare mom, Michelle, last week.  She is moving to a new town at the end of the month.  We have been going to her since Kade was around 8 months old so it was hard news to swallow when she told us she is moving.  

They were supposed to start their new daycare, Sara's, on Monday.  It was going to be great because Kade had school off so both boys were going to go together for the first time.  However, Mason came down with a fever so he stayed home Monday and Tuesday.  Kade, being the brave boy that he is (??? Who is this kid?!?!) decided that he still wanted to go on Monday--all by himself!!!!  He did great and said it was lots of fun.  Hopefully Mason has the same reaction when he starts tomorrow!  However, Mason has been a little more clingy than normal so I'm kind of dreading drop off--fingers crossed!!!

The boys with Michelle

2 of their little daycare buddies
(Michelle's granddaughters)

Workout buddies.  
Look at those 3 studs!!  I'm a lucky gal…

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