Sunday, April 24, 2016

We haven't been up to much these days, just hanging out at home, enjoying each other's company.  Mason is talking so much more, copying everything Kade does and getting more rambunctious by the minute!  Kade is loving that Mason can finally keep up with him (sort of.  I'm not sure anyone can keep up with Kade full time but Mason tries!).  We are loving every minute of "country life", kind of feels like we are in own little world out here!!

I might have over compensated with pictures of Mason this week because I felt so guilty that I didn't have any of him last week.  

Spring time in Minnesota, the temperature hits 60 degrees and the shirts come off!!  

I think the weather was in the 70's when I took these pictures but these days Kade is into shooting baskets with a stocking cap on.  Of course, what Kade does Mason has to do!!

I couldn't pick a favorite from these 3 pictures so I decided to post them all.

And finally, Mason's tongue clipping was worth every penny.  He's been using it a lot more to say words.  But MOST importantly…


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