Sunday, May 8, 2016

Erik was gone on a work trip for most of last week.  I sent him A LOT of pictures of the boys.  Although the boys and I missed him tons, we did manage to have ourselves a pretty good time.  I have to admit, it was kind of fun to put all of my "mommy chores" to the side and just play.  No laundry, no cleaning, very little cooking (thanks to leftovers and frozen food!), and no dishes (paper plates, baby!!!).  By the end of the week, though, we were ready for the Tall Guy to come home!

Here's all of the pictures I sent him:

Kite Day!
Kade had pretty good luck getting his up in the air...

...Mason, on the other hand, not so much.

Doughnut holes: Breakfast of Champions 
See boys?  Hanging with Mom can be fun!!

Walking through the woods in Chester Woods Park

Throwing rocks in the "big bath" (as Kade used to call it)

Mason being silly with some pot holders Erik's grandma made us for our wedding.

Friday the weather was close to 90's.  
Suns out, guns out--right boys?!?

Kade made this gem at school
It cracks me up every time!!

As I type this, it's Mother's Day.  For me, it's a day to reflect on the sacrifices my boy's birth moms made for their sons.  I have been blessed with 2 beautiful boys and it's not lost on me that they made that happen.  My heart is full and I can't say thank you enough for the choice they made.  
Thank you again, A&F, for making my dream to be a mother a reality.

These 2 were meant to be brothers.

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