Wednesday, March 2, 2016

It's That Time of the Year Again...

March Madness!!!  Basketball is in full swing at our house!  Erik has been taking Kade to open gym these past few weeks so Kade is in BB Heaven.  They go to "kid open gym", come home for an hour, and they go back for "adult open gym", eat supper and then they head downstairs for some basement basketball.  

You'd think Kade would get sick of it but it's the exact opposite--he just plays more!  And when he's taking a break from playing, he's walking around the house dribbling the ball.  I'm pretty sure basketball is in his DNA.

A couple weeks ago a few of Kade's friends from school went to open gym too!  I didn't go because it's during Mason's nap time (and we all know naps trump everything) so poor Mase missed out on the action.  Lucky for me a couple of the mom's sent me pictures!

Tucker and Kade
The girl in the blue shirt behind Kade is the star of the varsity team.  Apparently these two went over to her hoop and shot a few baskets with her.  Kade came home, acting all cool-trying not to smile, and said he shot hoops with her.  Tucker went home and informed his mom that he planned on kissing her.  Oh dear, I think we are in trouble.

Future coach of these little all-stars, perhaps??

Nolan, Tucker, Kade, Charlie and Nolan's little brother, Nyle.
Charlie is a wrestler through and through but he was a good sport and shot hoops anyway.  After about 40 minutes of shooting he told Erik he was ready to leave because there were too many balls flying around!  Apparently one open gym wasn't enough to convert him…

Back in the olden days, when Erik played, their biggest rivals were the neighboring town in which Tucker's dad just happened to be one of the stars as well.  Ah, the good ol' days.
Perhaps this is a glimpse of the next generation, except the son's of the old rivals join forces!??  This sounds like the makings of a movie!!

Or it could just be a few really cute pictures of 2 little dudes holding basketballs twice their size.  
That sounds good too :-)

Meanwhile, back at the homestead...

Mason got stuck helping Mom with chores.  Safety first, right Mase?!?

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