Wednesday, March 16, 2016

During Mason's 2 year appointment I asked AGAIN about his tongue.  I think the dr. was sick of me bringing it up every time so he finally said, "Do you just want me to refer you to ENT?"  UMM, YES!!!  So, 2 weeks ago we went to the appt. and it took exactly 5 seconds for the consultant to look at his tongue and say "That's one of the most tethered tongues I've ever seen.  He needs that clipped now or that's going to cause problems soon.  Is he eating ok?!?"  For the record, yes, he's always ate like a champ--it didn't cause problems in that department!

The next day Erik brought him in for the procedure.  Even though it's simple you still have to check in for surgery and get put under.  Erik said they brought Mason back and the surgeon was back literally 5 minutes later saying it was done and he was good to go!  That night Mason started saying his "T's" like a champ so obviously it was holding him back already!!  And, let's be honest, we were all a bit concerned about his ice cream cone licking capabilities but not anymore!!!

I've been going through all of our pictures, picking out ones to frame for a gallery wall and I came across these oldies but goodies.  I think these 2 pictures might be my favorite of all time of the boys:

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