Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Food Thief

Kade got the movie, "The Good Dinosaur", from Lady A for Easter.  It's the first movie that he's actually sat and watched from beginning to end (not all at once--baby steps, people--but still he saw the whole movie and that's never happened!).
Anyway, one night Kade and Mason were sitting on the couch, each with their own bowl of popcorn, watching it when a somewhat scary part came on.  Even I was a bit disturbed--there's a scene where a pterodactyl, who you think is a good guy until this point, eats a super cute, tiny, furry creature that he had just rescued.
Kade was shocked.  He was literally frozen in fear.  His eyes were wide and unblinking, his hand was stuck in mid air with popcorn still in his fingers and his mouth was wide open.  He wasn't moving.  Mason looked over at his brother, saw Kade in his frozen state, got a tiny little grin on his face and started eating Kade's popcorn instead of his own.  Kade was clueless.  This lasted for a minute or 2 and by the time Kade came around half of his popcorn was gone and Mason still had a full bowl.  It was the cutest and funniest display of "the opposite of brotherly love" Erik and I had ever witnessed.

This morning I made scrambled eggs for breakfast.  Mason had 2 large helpings of his own and then moved over to Kade's plate, after Kade got up, and proceeded to clean up Kade's plate as well.  Then, he grabbed a water bottle, hit Kade on the head with it and while Kade was crying Mason proceeded eat Kade's Cheerios.  While I appreciate Mason's ingenious "distract and steal" method, that move did warrant some discipline.

The thief in action--this is Kade's plate.
Never mind the giant snot blob coming out of his nose.  
Seriously, this kid's nose is ALWAYS running!

A much sweeter picture.
Kade took this picture, I swear he always gets the best shots of Mason's big brown eyes!

The poor kid who's always getting his food stolen out from under him.
No worries, he's not missing any meals either!  At a recent doctor's appointment it was confirmed that he is now 4 ft tall.  4 feet!!  To put it into perspective, I'm 5'1" and he's not even in Kindergarten yet.

Handsome fellas.

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