Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jenna (one of Erik's sisters) and I have every Wednesday off so we try to get together to play at least a couple times a month.  That's not as easy as it sounds when there are 4 kids and 4 different nap schedules to follow!!  A few weeks ago we took advantage of a warm, sunny fall day and went to the apple orchard.  It was great because the place is basically deserted on Wednesday mornings so we had the tractor ride to ourselves and our pick of the apples! 

Mason (20 months), Violet (3), Isaac (9 months), Kade (5)

One of my absolute favorite pictures of the Mason Man!
Could he be any more proud of the ginormous apple he just picked?!?

The apple bags were kind of small.
A few apples (about 3 per child, except Isaac) may have been partially consumed 
before ever reaching the inside of the bag.

My mom's side of the family came over for a little get together a couple Saturday's ago.  The boys could not get enough of Lauren and Zach (my cousin's kids).  Hard to believe Zach and Lauren were the ring bearer and flower girl in our wedding when they were the same ages that Kade and Mason are now!

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