Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Morning Car Conversation With Kade and Mason

Kade:  Do all kids grow up to be adults and dads?

Me:  Yes, they all grow up to be adults but not all of them become dads.

Kade:  Do I have to get married?

Me:  No, you can do whatever you want when you become an adult.

Kade:  Good, because I just want to marry you.  But what can I do if I don't get married?

Me:  You could do anything.  You could get a job or travel.

Kade:  I think I'll get a job.  I think I'll be the guy that puts gravel down and then drives a steamroller over it!  And, also I'm going to build decks.

Me:  That sounds like a good plan!

Mason:  Mom? Mom? Mama? Mom?

Kade:  I'll probably need to buy a bobcat when I become an adult.  And a skid steer.

Me:  What Mason?

Mason:  Hi.

Me:  Hi, Mason!  Kade, are you going to build houses too?

Kade:  Yep!

Me:  Good!  You can build me a house!

Kade:  Mom, I can't do that until I'm an adult.  And, you'd need to call the right cell phone number to get a hold of me.  If you call the wrong number, I won't answer.

Me:  Are you going to give me your phone number so I can call you?

Kade:  Ummm....(overly long pause while he thinks about it)....sure.  But I might be pretty busy.

Mason:  BYE BYE!!!  BYE BYE!!!!

Kade:  Bye bye Mason!  I'll see you when I pick you up and we can have snacks with Dad!!

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