Friday, October 9, 2015

Builder Boys

These boys like to build!  They like to play with Erik's tools.  They like to hammer nails into random pieces of wood.  Kade's idea of a good time on a Saturday afternoon is to build something.  He whines and cries until Erik comes up with a building project for them to work on.  
One time Erik and I randomly mentioned that we should build a little shed for all of the boy's outdoor toys.  Kade happened to hear that conversation and got it in his head that he and Erik needed to build it.  The above picture is what they came up with.  
Kade spent about 2 weeks working on this "shed", sometimes spending 5 hours a day on it.  Then a storm with a strong wind came and knocked it down.  It was devastating.  Luckily I had another project in mind that I wanted them to accomplish...

…a bench/shoe storage for the garage.  Everybody won with that project!

Mason's idea of a good time is to hang out in a vehicle with the keys.  He whines and cries until we open up the car doors and hand him the keys.  For awhile we let him have the real keys.  Then one day, when Erik and I both happened to be in the house at the same time, we heard the car start.  We ran out to the garage to find Mase behind the wheel of a running car with a HUGE smile on his face.  From that day on, we give him pretend keys when he's playing in the car!


My little mechanics, fixing their rides.

Grandpa H likes the Alaska shows just as much as Kade does.  He decided that his grandkids needed a "hunting cabin" at the farm.  He's spent the past few months tinkering on the cabin, finding random building materials laying around the farm.  Kade has spent more than a few afternoons helping.
A before picture...

The final product!!

No hunting cabin is complete without guns,

a fire ring, and a mini horse!

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