Friday, November 6, 2015

Pre Halloween Preparations

I took so many pictures of Halloween this year, it has to be split into 2 posts!  It was so much fun this year because both of the boys were fully involved and loving it!

Pumpkin Carving 
(or in the boys case, drawing all over the pumpkin and themselves).

Judging by that reaction, I don't think "surgeon" is in Kade's future.

Mason, on the other hand, couldn't get enough of the guts!

Hanging out with Grandpa Ranger, the pumpkins and an ice cold beverage in a pumpkin cup.  Life is good for Mr. Mason!

He didn't even try but he looks a lot like the ghost pumpkin!

Goldy and a ghost

Kade's class Halloween costume parade

All of Kade's classmates!

No words.

My 2 newest, most favorite pictures of the boys.  I can't decide which picture I love more!!
Just can't get enough of these 2 little munchkins….

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