Friday, October 16, 2015

We took our last camping trip of the season the first weekend in October.  It was a perfect fall weekend, crisp air and warm sun!  It was the first time we've ever camped with the boys when we had to use the furnace.  Good news, the furnace works :-)

Kade was so excited to fish.  He was certain we were going to have a fish fry for lunch that day.  Unfortunately the fish just weren't biting.  There could have been any number of reasons why:  the "Cars" fishing pole, the lack of bait, the 5 year old in charge of casting the line….  

…but he sure did look cute trying!!  And he had fun--that's all that matters.

Poor Mason had to deal with my "death grip" while we were standing on the dock.  There was absolutely no way I was setting him down!  

After a short time Kade got bored with the dock and my arms/back were beyond numb from holding the little grizzly bear for that long.  So, we moved on to the beach where Mason could dump sand on his head and Kade could see if those elusive fish were hanging out there.  They weren't.

Eventually Mason got sick of wearing his hat and Kade got sick of holding the pole so I took over both duties.  Luckily the campground wasn't very busy that weekend so no one was around to see me :-)

The boys' new favorite spot to play with their toys--on the table right in front of the tv.

I just love this picture!  
Someone had just asked him where his nose was, I swear he's not picking it!!

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