Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Gooooo Gophers!

This past weekend we took Kade to his very first Gopher football game at TCF stadium.  We would've loved to take Mason too so it could've been a whole family event but Mase isn't quite there yet.  He's a bit too busy and wiggly for large crowds :-)  Instead he got to spend the day with his cousin Isaac and then have a sleep over at Grandpa and Grandma's house.

A family picture before we left.
Even though Mason didn't go to the game he still got to dress up in his Gopher gear!

We went to the game with Jenna (Erik's sister), Jay and Violet.

The kids were most excited about the shuttle ride from the parking lot to the stadium.  
This picture isn't very bright but the kids were so pumped I had to take a one.

They were equally excited about the band.  At G&G H's, Kade and Violet regularly put the Pride of Minnesota marching band CD at top volume and then march around the house banging on instruments.  So, to see them in real life was almost more than they could bare!

Heading into the game!

Kade's marching to the band at half time.

We were in the shade so I couldn't get a good picture of Kade and the band at the same time, 

but the M looks so cool in the background I had to include it!

Violet, Kade and Jenna heading back to the shuttles after watching the Gophers come away with a victory!

Meanwhile, back at the farm, Grandma kept us updated with pictures throughout the day...

The babes hanging out with Grandpa.

Mason decided that the blanket chest was a good place to take a nap.

Classic Mason face.

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