Friday, May 1, 2015

I've been feeling a bit guilty lately because I feel like my last few posts have been pretty lame.  We lead a pretty boring life--I mean, one of our favorite things to do is to stay home and do "nothing"!  I put nothing in quotes because anyone who's ever spent time with a 15 month old and/or a 4.5 year old knows that you can never just do nothing.  I never imagined that an entire day spent at home, doing nothing, could leave me exhausted and ready to crash by 7:45 but that is definitely the story of our life these days. Don't get me wrong, we LOVE it but like I said--we're boring!!  So, I apologize for my ridiculously boring posts but there's just not much I can do about it :-)

Mason has been walking full time inside for a few weeks but he's just recently taken it outside as well.  With the uneven ground and his unsteady legs, if he fell he usually just gave up and crawled to his destination.  But not anymore!!  He's officially, FINALLY, a full time walker no matter where he is!  Our arms and backs cannot thank him enough as I am fairly certain he's still holding strong in the 97th percentile (We'll find out for sure in a couple weeks at his 15 month well child appt).
Summer haircut!!  My baby is looking more and more like a big boy every day :-(

Big boys feed themselves, right?  
It's tough for me to relinquish that duty when this is the end result!!

Speaking of 97th percentiles, we just got the results back from Kade's pre-K screening.  Guess who else is holding strong in the 97th%…yep, Kado the Tornado.  The poor kid, wherever he goes people always ask him what grade he's in.  When he doesn't answer, or talks and sounds like the 4 year old he is, people look at me and wonder what is wrong with him.  When I tell them his age their eyes go wide in disbelief.  It doesn't help that I'm so short which just makes him look taller.  He did great at the screening and there are no concerns.  Although, I am a bit concerned that he's not quite grasping that school is about learning, not sports.  The other day we were talking about him riding the bus for the first time and he said:
"So, is the bus going to drop me off at my basketball tournaments?"
Me:  "Umm, no.  Kade, school is about learning new things not playing basketball."
Kade:  "I know.  But I mean after school.  Who is going to take me to my basketball games?"
Oh dear, looks like we have a little more explaining to do!!

Kite flying is easy once it finally gets in the air!!

Big brother's are AWESOME!!

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