Thursday, May 7, 2015

Last Saturday was the annual Cystic Fibrosis walk around Silver Lake.  It was a beautiful, warm day, the exact opposite of last year when there was snow on the ground!  Of course we had to feed the "geeslings" after the walk.  Every year the kids call the geese something different, judging by this year's name I think they'll have it right by next year!

Papa Rich took 5 little munchkins on a ride around his property.  We could hear them laughing from a mile away!

A couple of cuties at the park!

This morning Kade asked if he could take Mason outside by himself.  I said yes but then I spied on them most of the time :-)  They picked the flowers off of the irises, sat on the front steps and tore the petals off one by one.  It was too precious to stop them (and, let's be honest, I was just happy Mason wasn't eating them--seriously, when is this kid going to stop putting EVERYTHING in his mouth??) but I hope they don't do that at a home that actually cares about their blooms!!  

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