Thursday, May 28, 2015

Memorial Weekend, the unofficial start to summer!!  And these pictures prove that summer has finally come back.

Chillin' in the hammock with Grandpa Ranger

Driving the old tractor with Dad.  I think this was Mason's first time on the 806.  His smile leads me to believe it won't be his last time on it.

A "Pants Optional" pool party!

And a "Country Style" car wash (again, pants optional).  I say country style because no soap was used in this wash.  When you live on gravel roads what is the point?!?

Violet and Kade sittin' on the front porch, in matching shirts and rocking chairs, eating ice cream.  Doesn't get better than that.

The kids begged Jay to pour a cold bucket of water on their heads.  Jay asked them about a million times if they were sure they wanted him to do that.  They said yes every time.

Violet took that bucket of cold water like a champ!!  Kade, on the other hand….

…was a bit more dramatic :-)  

They both loved it and decided to take a bucket together.

And finally, a nice ride around the yard courtesy of big brother/cousin Kade. 

Ahh summer, how I've missed you and longed for the days when you would return to us.

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