Friday, May 15, 2015

Mason 15 month

This past weekend we went to Wisconsin Dells.  There was 6 kids 7 and under and 4 adults 35 and over.  One guess as to who was ready to crash first at bedtime!!  Hint:  it was not the 6 energizer bunnies!!

It's about a 2.5 hour drive for us.  The whole way there Erik and I asked ourselves, "Why are we doing this again??", which might have something to do with the fact that Mason slept for 20 minutes and screamed/cried at the top of his lungs for 2 hours and 10 minutes.  He more than made up for it on the drive home though when he slept for 2 hours and 25 minutes.  As usual, we had a great time and on Monday morning we were definitely wishing we could do the weekend all over again!

Owen and Kade on the swings.  
It was such a nice day that they opened a few of the outdoor rides.  Trust me, it definitely crossed my mind that this was probably the first day of the season that the outdoor rides were open which means our children were probably the 1st riders.  Good thing Erik gave me a margarita!!

Kade and Rylee on the planes for the millionth time.

Mason had his 15 month appointment this week.  Everything went well.  I talked to the doctor about his tongue and we decided to still wait and see.  Mason has a few words but none are very clear yet so the doctor wants to see how he's doing at 20 months, when he should have about 10 words.  He still thinks the skin holding it down will tear (which apparently is what the Dr. wants).  Sounds terrible to me but maybe that's better than cutting it and having stitches.

I'm a little disappointed in the nurse taking his measurements because she definitely wasn't too concerned with accurate results.  She was done taking his length before I even had him laying on the table.  He only measured 2 cm taller than he was at 12 months but his pants are telling me otherwise!

Mason's stats:
Height:  2 ft 7.5 in (61%)
Weight:  28.5 lbs (97%)   
The scale said 28.5 pounds but my arms and back are saying 50 pounds, at least :-)

Kade at 15 months:
Height:  2 ft 9 in (93%)
Weight:  26.5 lbs (80%)

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