Friday, April 24, 2015

Workin' For the Weekend

Every night Kade asks us, "What's after this nap?", which means, "What are we doing tomorrow?".  It's a great way to go over the days of the week with him but our schedule is always the same and he knows it:

Mon- Chelle's (daycare)
Tues- Chelle's
Wed- I'm home or in Kade's terms:  "Me, Mom and Mase"
Thurs- Me, Mom and Mase
Fri- Chelle's

He'll keep asking, "What's after that?" until we get to Saturday, which is what he's really getting at in the first place anyway.  He already knows the answer but he likes to hear it from us--DAD STAYS HOME!  Or, in Kade's terms, "Me, You, Dad and Mase!!".

If you really want to get him excited tell him we have plans to get together with someone.  Anyone.  The kid LOVES to have plans because that means he's going to have someone to play with him and will give him their undivided attention.  Which is why he loves the weekends because Erik and I take turns giving the boys our undivided attention while the other one tries to accomplish a task.  Someday we'll both be able to accomplish a task at the same time but Mason isn't quite there yet (see my March Came In Like a Lion post).  Until then, one of us is in charge of keeping an eye on the boys!

The best weekends are when we throw our To Do lists in the garbage and we both give the boys our undivided attention at the same time!  The past 2 weekends we've done just that.  Warning: picture overload!

Mason loves the outside, 4 wheeler and lawn mower rides just as much as Kade.  Erik's cheeks hurt from smiling so much--his dream came true with not 1 but 2 country boys.

There's a wet area, that gets a little water flow after snow melt or a lot of rain, about half way down our driveway.  Erik whipped up some paper boats for us to race a couple weekends ago.  Who knew he was so crafty?!

Erik's handiwork

The launch site.

So far, so good!

Is it coming??


Mason, you're looking the wrong way!!

Not sure if he's watching for the next boat or if he just thinks it's pretty cool standing in a pool of water.

My handsome boys!

I just love these next 2 pictures.  Is there anything sweeter than a dad walking with his son?

The following weekend it was decided that the boys needed a sandbox.  Before we moved in last August the septic tank needed to be replaced.  So there's a pile of dirt and rocks in our front yard from  that and that's what they've been playing in.  I know, classy.

Mason supervised the construction workers while enjoying his favorite snack--graham crackers.  Molly was his clean up crew.

Kade was in charge of drilling.

Someone's pretty proud of himself!

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