Sunday, January 18, 2015

What a Week!

This week's post was a bit delayed because this week ended up being a bit more hectic than we anticipated.  We got all new flooring put in upstairs!  I knew we weren't going to be able to walk on the floors on Thursday and Friday so we planned ahead to be out of the house.

What I wasn't planning on was how unlivable the house was going to be on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Our initial thought was to basically spend the week hanging out in our unfinished (yet set up as one massive playrooom) basement.  However, we weren't  exactly planning on the entire basement being coated in a 2 inch layer of sawdust with a few million wood chips sprinkled on top after the removal of the old floor.  Add on to that the fact that Mason still puts everything into his mouth and that left the basement uninhabitable.   Add on to that the fact that the kitchen was unusable because there was plastic was taped up everywhere--over every cabinet, countertop and appliance and that left us with 1 option: an impromptu sleep over at Erik's parents.

Thursday we left on our previously planned trip to Wisconsin Dells.  It was nice to get away from the disaster zone for a little bit!  The boys had a blast in the water park.  When I say "boys", I mean Erik too.  That guy LOVES water parks!!!

Poor Mason had the sun in his eyes the whole way to the Dells.  The blanket over his head was the best I could come up with to keep the sun out.  

Notice their socks?  These 2 nerds walked through the entire hotel dressed exactly as you see them in this picture.  And the hotel was a behemoth.  I think it was a half mile to get from our room to the water park!

Mason wasn't so sure about this indoor swimming.  It wasn't exactly the temperature of bath water in there!

He did love the water slides though!

I love this picture!  My two opposite boys :-)

When Erik was growing up his family vacations consisted of a day at Noah's Ark and then dinner at the Pizza Pub.  We decided to keep the tradition going.  Nothing like delicious greasy pizza after a day of swimming!

This is the best picture I could get of Erik and Kade going down a water slide.  You would think I could've gotten a better shot since they went down only a few dozen times!  Mason and I ended up leaving these two at the park so we could go to bed.  I think they finally came back to the room around 9:00pm.

Mason and I hung out in the room and had a little photo shoot.  I can't get enough of this smile!

This is what we came home to on Saturday morning!  There's still an inch of dust on every surface upstairs, and I can't even think about the clean up in the basement without crying a little, but I sure do love my new floors!

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