Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Last of the Holiday Pictures

Although Christmas was just 2 weeks ago it seems like forever ago.  I figured I'd use this week's post to put the last of our pictures up from all of our Christmas celebrations.  I forgot the camera when we celebrated with my family so these are all from Erik's family's celebration.

After that it's time to focus on the New Year--which is already a week old!!  2015 is proving to be moving along just as fast as 2014 did.  When does time slow down??  Mason is going to be 11 months old tomorrow!!  How is that possible?  I feel like it was just yesterday we got the call to come pick the little man up from the hospital and that was 11 months ago already!

Anyway…we decided to not exchange gifts amongst the adults this year with Erik's side.  Instead we did an old fashioned Christmas.  We had a sleigh ride…

And we roasted chestnuts over an open fire…

Except instead of a horse drawn sleigh it was the old Farmall 806 pulling a hay wagon.  And instead of chestnuts it was Brrr beer.

This is almost a family picture.  Unfortunately Mason isn't in it.  He chose that day to take one 4 hour nap so he missed out on all the outdoor activities.  Joe, the mini horse, made it in the family picture though!

Gotta love a tractor with a bucket--makes snow fort building much easier!!

Mason woke up just in time to sit on some presents...

And to open some too.

We all know that Kade is a Daddy's boy.  So, I've been trying to make Mason a Mama's boy but it's not happening.  If Erik is in sight, Mason wants to be with him.  Erik tells me that someday I'll appreciate the alone time.

I didn't take any pictures on New Year's Eve either, besides this one.  We didn't need to keep a very close eye on Mason because these 3 girls never let him out of their sight.  He was a lucky boy and he didn't even know it!!

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