Friday, January 23, 2015

Mason's 1st Haircut and a Kade Quote

Mason was getting a little shaggy.  We've noticed it for a few months but put off taking care of it for as long as possible.  There's something about giving a baby boy a haircut that tears at the heartstrings a little bit.  They look so much older after a cut and he's still my baby!  He's not even a year old yet!

He did fantastic.  He sat still and he didn't make a peep.  As usual, the EXACT opposite of what Kade did.  Kade screamed and cried so loud that he forgot to breathe at one point and actually turned purple at his first cut.  Not Mason.  I didn't even have to reach into my bag of tricks to distract him!
                                 Umm, Dad?  Do we need to be concerned about this lady??

The official "before" picture.

Watching big brother getting his haircut at the same time.

Kade's finished product.  I never thought I'd see the day that Kade actually begged to get his cut.  He didn't need it but he wanted to get one with Mason.

Checking out his handsome face in the mirror.

Apparently he liked what he saw!

So serious.

The stylist needed him to put his head down so Kade helped out.

The official "after" picture.

I love this goofy grin!  Ever since he got those big front teeth he's been smiling like this.  I was finally able to capture it in a picture!

Kade Quote:

Kade:  When I get bigger I want to be a Cow Walker.
Grandma and Grandpa:  I don't think there is such thing as a cow walker.
Kade:  Yes there is!!  My dad was a cow walker!!  He even has a bunch of trophies in the basement from when he did it!!

I love the way his mind works.  He was talking about when Erik was a kid in 4H and he showed cows in the 4H Dairy Show.  Erik has a box full of old trophies and pictures in the basement and it definitely does appear that Erik was a cow walker.  I mean, the cow WAS on a leash and Erik WAS walking it around!

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