Thursday, September 4, 2014

Labor Day weekend

As if we weren't busy enough with unpacking, cleaning and just settling in we had reservations for camping over Labor Day weekend.  So we took a break from unpacking the house and instead packed up the camper!  Although the weekend was book ended with rain, Saturday and Sunday were beautiful!  And even though it was a little more work for us, it was well worth the trip because it forced us to relax--which we wouldn't have done if we had stayed home.  That's what camping is all about!

Kade had a blast playing with Reed, Paige and Carter for 3 days in a row.  Mason had a blast watching them.  Although he's getting pretty frustrated with not being able to move like the big kids.  He's working hard at it everyday, so it's about time to do some major baby proofing.  

He's not a huge fan of this yet.  He pretty much can only move backwards so he gets stuck a lot.

These pictures don't do justice to the enormity of the mud puddle on our campsite.  It was impossible to keep them out of it so we didn't even try.  The catch phrase of our weekend was, "We're making memories, people."  The mom's had to keep repeating it over and over and over as more and more clean clothes and clean kids came back covered in mud.

Finger lights and sparklers, what could be better?

Ice cream, that's better :-)

Sorry for the lack of Mason pictures this week.  Every time I had the camera out the little cutie was napping!

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