Tuesday, September 30, 2014

This past weekend was beautiful!  Probably the last nice weekend Minnesota has to offer us.  Kade begs us all the time for a bonfire, more often than not we don't oblige.  Mainly because he always asks on a week night or if we do light one, by the time the fire has started he's completely lost interest.  Anyway, he asked again on Saturday and this time we couldn't say no to Kade or Mother Nature!

Erik sent out a text to his family to see if anyone wanted to join us.  With 3 busy siblings the odds of all of us being free were slim.  Pigs must've been flying somewhere because everyone was coming! The last time that happened might've been Christmas.  That seems to be how it goes though, if you want everyone to make it to something it needs to be planned months in advance and even then someone usually can't make it.  However send out a random text just hours before and everyone is available.

Mason's not quite old enough to realize he should be hanging on for dear life with that crazy tractor driver!

Mason impressed everyone with his size and mobility.  This almost 8 month old is squeezing his baby muscles into size 18-24 month clothes these days.

Jay and Kade were the Eagles and they were playing Erin and Kurt.  If you ask Kade, the Eagles won but who can be sure when Kade tackles anyone with the ball, his teammates included.  Notice the towel in Kade's pants?  He insists on wearing it because that's what "real quarterbacks" do.

Cutest little football fans ever!

The 13 of us!  Soon to be 14 (there's a little man growing in Jenna's belly😊). 

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