Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Not much to post about this week.  Erik and I have about a million and one things we want to do with our place.  Of course one idea leads to another idea which leads to spending more $$$.  So instead we are doing nothing and enjoying the last few nice days left of the season outside with the boys!

Kade is at the age now where we can make up silly games, with silly rules, and play them forever.  This one involved Mason and I throwing the ball to one end of the porch, Kade running after it and kicking it back.  Okay, so maybe that sounds a little like "fetch", not really made up.  And maybe a more appropriate game to play with dogs?  Kade's expression makes me think he didn't mind it :-)

You can't leave Mason alone on the floor with blankets.  I have no idea how but he gets himself wrapped up like a burrito Every. Single. Time!

Mason's first ride on the lawn mower.  If he enjoys riding it as much as Kade does Erik is going to have to get a bigger lap.  Or a bigger lawn mower.  Or another lawn mower since Kade is now tall enough to reach the pedals and drive it himself.

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