Friday, August 29, 2014

This past week was overwhelming, to say the least.  We sold our house and bought a new house on Friday, packed and cleaned our old house on Saturday and moved everything we own on Sunday.  Oh, and we went to work on Monday.  Oh, and it was the hottest weekend of the year....90 degrees, with a heat index of 105.  Thank goodness for family!  We had movers, cleaners, unpackers and babysitters galore!

The boys are sharing a bedroom for now, until we finish the basement.  I thought the transition would be rough but they are doing great!  Kade's mentioned a few times that he wants to go home.  When we talk it out though it just comes down to the fact that he can't walk over to Michael and Taylor's house anymore.  Otherwise he likes our new place better.  Mason hasn't really missed a beat as far as eating and sleeping goes.  He probably likes it better because we don't let him "cry it out" as long as we normally would since Kade is sleeping in there with him.

Speaking of Mason, he's no longer the sit-on-my-lap-snuggly-observer kid.  He's on the move!!  He's army crawling and rocking on all 4's now.  And he definitely wants nothing to do with sitting still.  It's a wrestling match for diapers changes, bottle feeding and baths these days!  As if our life wasn't hectic enough :-)

Anyway, in all the commotion I managed to take exactly 2 pictures this week :-)

The boy's room.

First bath together in the new house.

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