Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Just some pictures this week.

I thought we'd start Mason on some finger food.  He's not quite there yet.  When he's lucky enough to land a puff in his mouth he's not exactly sure where to take it from there.  It sure is cute watching him try though!  And there's no complaints from Molly, she's rediscovered her love of hanging out underneath an eating baby.

I just love this picture.  You'd think there is a mutual love between Molly and Kade.  There isn't.  But it's nice to pretend once in awhile :-)

Handsome fella.

Cousin cuties.  Violet is 2 years and 3 months old.  Mason is 7 months old.  They wear the same size diaper and Mason weighs about 3 pounds less than her. Yep, he's big.  And yep, she's a peanut!

Uncle Jay, the boy's most energetic uncle!  The guy is made up of energizer batteries, I swear!

Mason discovered a new game this weekend.  He hits the ball as hard as he can and then scoots after it as fast as he can.  This kid can move!!  Fast!!  All of his "Kade Observations" have paid off.  Kade doesn't stand a chance in a few months.

Seriously.  I can't get enough of this little nugget.

Daddy Daycare.  Gotta do what you gotta do when football is on!  just kidding, he was only in there for a minute.  Enough for me to snap a picture and give Erik a hard time :-)

And finally....
My loves....

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