Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Kade's 4th Birthday and Mason's 6 Month Appointment

Sunday was Kade's 4th birthday!!  I don't know how that happened, I swear he was just a baby yesterday.  Time flies way too fast these days.  His birthday never ends!  He's going to be so disappointed when he finally realizes it's just one day and not an entire week! 

Last Tuesday we packed up the camper and headed to Lady A's hometown for a few days.  We went to a farm show, checked out her parent's farm, Kade and Erik went for a tractor ride and more than a few gator rides.  We also celebrated his birthday with her family.  That was presents, cake and candles #1.
Here's a couple pictures from that trip.

Saturday we had our families over for dinner to celebrate.  That is presents, cake and candles #2.
Little cheese ball.

Then on Sunday, his actual birthday, we had Erik's cousin's family over.  We went to the pool then came back for presents, cake and candles #3.

He didn't seem to mind blowing out candles from a half eaten cake!

Finally he had his daycare party yesterday!  Presents, cake and candles #4!!!!  He's got to be light headed from blowing out candles that many times!

Today is Erik's birthday.  I told Kade this and he said, "Dad gets to open presents today?"  I told him we didn't get dad any presents.  Kade was pretty upset about this.  So I said we could go to the store and buy dad something.  When Kade heard that option, he got over dad's lack of gifts pretty quickly.  He said, "No.  I'm not going shopping, mom.  You can go shopping for all of us."  So we're back to a no gift birthday for Erik :-)

Mason had his 6 month appointment today.  3 shots in the legs and one vaccine he had to swallow.  He sucked down the oral vaccine quickly, the nurse was impressed.  She'd never seen a baby take one down so well.  He does like his food :-)   

For the past couple appointments Mason has been the exact same size Kade was.  Although they are still EXTREMELY close, Mason has passed Kade's stats.  Kade has always been a big boy, I never in a million years dreamed I'd have an even bigger boy.  But I do and I have the biceps to prove it!

27.75 inches (89%)
21 pounds (88%)
Head circumference is 44.60 cm (83%)

Kade, at 6 months:
27.5 inches (81%)
20 pounds (80%)
Head circumference was 45.50 (89%)

He's not missing any meals!  And, so far, he's loving every food we've given him.  I thought feeding Erik and Kade was a full time job.  It looks like Mason is going to be just as big.  I might as well quit my job and move a bed into the kitchen because that's where you will find me from now on!

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