Thursday, August 7, 2014

Just some random pictures of the boys this week.  
Future baller, dressing the part now.

I can't believe it but Mason is 6 months old!  He's not a fan of rice but eats oatmeal like a champ, just like Kade did!  We tried sweet potatoes the other day and he downed those too.  Hopefully this means we're on our way to having another great eater!

Warning, this next picture is not for weak stomachs:

He literally started throwing up as we pulled into the driveway.  The unfortunate part was that I was sick too.  And Erik wasn't home.  It was a tough hour as I cleaned everything and tried to keep my own stomach contents in.  He smiled as it was coming out though and through clean up.  Such a happy and content little boy.

This was him the next day:
All better!  And looking so big!

Dentist visit...Kade had 6 cavities!!  I swear we brush, floss and eat well!  Kid doesn't even like juice that much!!

Since the dentist can't give out sweets, they give out sweet mustaches instead.  A glimpse at Future Kade, perhaps?

We had to split the cavity fixing into 2 dentist appointments, so Mason got in on the mustache action as well.

Handsome little stud.  We've gotta work on his flexing though :-)  I don't have the heart to correct it yet, he's just too darn cute!

And my favorite picture of the boys, to date:

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