Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This week we are working on packing up our house and moving to our "new" house out in the country!!!  Although it's going to be hard to leave where we are now, the place we are going is something Erik and I have always wanted.  Kade and Mason will officially be "Country Boys" after this week!  As in gravel roads, surrounded by corn fields, kind of country.  It's not for everyone but it's definitely for us :-)

The hardest part about moving is splitting up these two BFF's:

But, we're only moving 5 miles away and they'll still see each other all the time.  So the "Struction Men" (their favorite thing to play) will still be able to build houses, roads, decks, sheds, barns, etc, etc.  Yep, these boys are BUSY!

And these handsome brothers will always have each other...

Big boy getting stronger and sturdier everyday.


  1. Moving is a time of transition for everyone, so I hope you weren't stressed out with all the ruckus! I'm sure you followed the tips for organizing and packing, which can definitely make things a lot easier. Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying your new home!

    June Griffith @ Arnold & Self

  2. Awww! I thought the two bestfriends wouldn't get to see each other again because of the move, but I guess I'm wrong. Hahaha! It's good to know that they can still continue their friendship, even though you are now living in a new house. In any way, I hope you're settling in real well on your new abode. Thanks for sharing that, Kristi! Congratulations and all the best!

    Doyle Hunt @ Real East Van
