Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Adoption Day!

Today Mason's adoption was finalized in the court!!  It was the same fairy godmother, I mean judge, who presided over Kade's that presided over Mason's.  Although it's a little nerve wracking walking into a courtroom, once we swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us God, it turned into a big, laid back celebration.
Yep, we really did stand and raise our right hands.

Yep, the judge really is sitting high up, robe, gavel and all.

That's about as formal as it got.  Soon afterwards, Kade took the law into his own hands.

And then both boys were in charge.

The long arm of the law never looked so cute!

I filled out some necessary paperwork,

while our old neighbor, Darla, who happened to be the court clerk, spoiled the boys with John Deere goodies!
There were 6 more adoptions taking place after ours, unfortunately those kids will not be getting JD loot like our boys did.  It's nice to know people in high places :-)

Then it was time to take some "official" pictures!

One thing I haven't mentioned about Mason's adoption is the the perfect timing of it all.  Erik and I had set an end date.  If we weren't chosen by June 1, 2014 (the day I turned 35) we were going to be done.  We were sick of the wait, sick of the let downs and sick of the paperwork.  I had prayed about it, asking God that if it was His will that we adopt another baby, to let it be done before June 1st.  And if it wasn't His will, to give me the strength to close that chapter and move on.  A few weeks later He answered me.  Fittingly, Mason's Baptism day was June 1, 2014.

We started the process of building our family in 2004.  Here we are, 10 years later, with 2 extremely handsome and perfect boys :-)  Although this was not the path we set out on 10 years ago, I wouldn't change one step of the way because it got me to where I am now--the mom to these 2 angels.  It was a long, hard fought journey with more downs than ups but the ending is perfect.  Erik and I finally have our happily ever after.

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