Tuesday, May 27, 2014

We're getting ready for Mason's baptism on Sunday so we should have lots of good pictures next week!  This week is just a bunch of pictures that haven't made previous posts.

Mason loves this spot.  He's propped up enough to watch Kade but lounging enough to sneak in a snooze.

We get big smiles under the light up, music playing sun!

Sleepy baby boy.  I'm not going to lie, I am going to miss when his favorite napping spot is no longer in my arms.

Erik laid him down and came back to find him snoring away on his tummy with a football resting on his head.  Isn't that how every great quarterback starts out? :-)

Joe, the mini horse, has joined G&G H's horse family!  He and Kade led each other around the farm one afternoon.  

First fire of the summer!  Kade tried to have s'mores but he wasn't patient enough to wait for the mallow to roast.  So he had each ingredient separately.  That still counts, right?
Sorry for the butt shot, Erik but Kade is just too cute flexing his muscles for the camera, I just had to post it!

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