Wednesday, May 14, 2014

This past Sunday was Mother's Day.  I'm not going to lie, from 2004 to 2010 I hated Mother's Day.  It was just a very real reminder that I wasn't a mother.  Strangers would say "Happy Mother's Day" to me and I'd just have to grin and bear it.  Family and friends would say it to the mother's around me and then kind of give me a pitiful look.  It wasn't fun.

Now that I am a mom, Mother's Day is great but it's also bittersweet.  I think about our birthmoms and the loss they must be feeling that day.  They made the ultimate sacrifice for their sons and it's always in the back of my mind that the only reason I am a mom is because of them.

So, "A" and "F", I hope you know how much I appreciate you!  I've told you this before, but words can't express how grateful I am to you that you made me a mom.  You guys, literally, answered my prayers and made my dreams come true.  I think about both of you everyday.  I look at your sons and hope they know how cherished they are.  I kiss them constantly, for you and for me.  Unfortunately for Mason he can't get away yet.  Kade tries to run but, for now, I'm still faster than him :-)  I love our boys more than words can say (I say "our" because they're your boys too, you'll always be their first mom--the mom that gave them life).  I hope you guys are happy with how they are turning out, I know I am.  Thank you for my Mother's Day.

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