Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mason had a big week last week.  He's rolling over back-to-stomach now as well!!  It still freaks me out a little when I lay him in one position and then come back to find him completely turned around and feet from where I left him.

He still continues to be a very easy baby.  He's happy almost all the time, unless he's hungry.  He usually sleeps in his crib from 7:30 pm to 7:00 am, with one feeding around 2:30.  Although he gets gas every morning at 5:00 (you can set your watch to it), if we move him to the bassinet he'll sleep right through it.  My only complaint is this kid is the king of catnaps.  We're talking 20 minute naps.  All.The.Time.  Every once in awhile we'll get 40 minutes out of him but they are rare.  It's worse if he's in his crib, then you are guaranteed 20 minutes.  If he's anywhere else (the car seat, his bouncer, your arms) you might get 30 minutes.  I guess I can't expect him to be too perfect though, I don't want to get spoiled :-)

Kade still continues to get the biggest and best smiles from Mason.  Every once in awhile Kade can get a chuckle too!  It's so fun to watch them interact.  Every week there's more and more interaction, which I'm loving.  But, I know the time will come when the interaction is going to turn into fighting so I'm soaking in the sweet stuff now.  Mason is getting bigger and less breakable, which is good because Kade is a big, strong kid who doesn't quite know his own strength yet.  The sooner Mason can hold his own, the better :-)

Me and my boys....

Oh wait.  Me and my boys :-)

I turned Mason around in the bjorn.  It's his new favorite position.  Now he can really keep his eyes on his big brother!


Before Kade's nap today he asked to hold Mason.  We had an impromptu photo session.  I took about 20 pictures, these are my favorites.

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