Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Kade's work jeans have been lost for the past 4 days.  He wore them on Saturday but after he changed into sweatpants (because he was done working and moving onto playing, so naturally you change your outfit, right?) the work jeans disappeared off the face of the earth.  We looked everywhere!  I was beginning to think he threw them away!!  Not that I would've been too disappointed if they were gone but they've been such a fixture on Kade's body for so long I feel like, when their time comes, we should give them a proper send off.  

Also, how does one lose a pair of pants you just had on?  I was baffled and I'd made it my personal mission to find them, if only to satisfy my curiosity.  It should be mentioned that I'm missing some gloves too, so I was hoping they were all in the same place.  They weren't.  I found the jeans today.  They were stuck under his clothes hamper, between the lining and the inside/bottom of the hamper.  Gloves are still lost.  I'm very excited to tell Kade the great news when I pick him up!  Today I gave Kade the option of grocery shopping with me or going to daycare.  He chose daycare.

Surprisingly he wasn't as devastated as I thought he'd be!  If this had happened 3 weeks ago we would've had a meltdown everyday til they were found.  However, since we now have a style guru in our midst, he was able to pick a different outfit without any drama.  So, maybe I shouldn't tell him I found the jeans??  No, I feel like we should all be present when we finally say adios to the most worn pair of pants in the history of 2 & 3 year olds.

These pictures were taken before we went down in history as being the coldest area on the planet AND parts of Mars.  That was awesome.  Not really.

Erik worked so hard on building that big wall.  And he gave me a hard time for my crappy, little wall Kade is behind.  However....
After their picture was taken, Erik's wall tipped over!  And nobody touched it!  And look whose crappy, little wall is still standing!  That explains my extemely big smile.  I love winning :-)

Apparently, according to Erik, you aren't an "official farm kid" until you've been pulled on a sled behind a 4-wheeler.  Kade loved it!  I'm still not an official farm kid.

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