Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year, A New Kade

Something very strange happened in the week between Christmas and New Year.  Kade started caring what he looked like.  He's started combing his hair, multiple times a day.  Using water on his comb to tame the hair that perpetually sticks up in the back.  He runs to the bathroom after every activity to check the mirror and make sure his hair is still "sticking down".  He even refuses to put a hat on for worry that it will ruin his hair.  Is he 3 or 13?!?!

He's also started wearing long sleeve shirts!  We've been tearing our hair out trying to get him to wear something other than a t-shirt since the weather turned chilly.  It was a battle we gave up on, then one day he woke up, dressed himself and came out in a long sleeve!  He's been wearing them ever since. He even wore a sweatshirt, with a hood, the other day!  It was a Christmastime miracle :-)

He's not done there!  He's started branching out his pants attire as well.  In addition to the work jeans, which are still heavy in rotation, he's been wearing sweatpants!  He even came out in his church khakis the other day!  To wear around the house!  Who is this kid?!

This isn't a very good picture but it's the one I sent to Erik for proof that he chose a long sleeve and sweats to wear.  He hadn't had a chance to fix his hair yet :-)

Hair? Check!  New clothes? Check!  "Stud Mans"?  Check and check!!

Hanging out in his comfy, cozy sleepwear.  He put his robe on and said, "Now I look just like a Grandma C!"  Let's hope he doesn't always aspire to look like a grandma :-)

I couldn't decide which of these pictures I liked better, so I just posted both.  

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