Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Lame Post

I do a post every week and usually I do an update of what Kade's been up to in the past week.  This week we've been up to a whole lot of nothing.  It's too cold to play outside and it's too nasty to drive anywhere.  We've been holed up in the house, silently cursing ourselves for choosing to live in a state that seems to be perpetually COLD!

In other news, we've been playing a lot of basketball in the basement so basketball is back on top of being Kade's favorite sport!  Whew! :-)

Just a few pictures of my babies...

Don't mind the creeper in the background.  Just focus on those amazing blue eyes.

And my furry baby.  It's a good thing she's still cute because that's about all she has going for her.

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