Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Kade's daycare has been hit by fevers and colds.  Ahh, the joys of winter!  He's never been sick enough to take to the doctor (besides pink eye, once) so he's never been prescribed medicine he's had to ingest.  This means when we have to give him Tylenol, it's a battle.  

Last night he got so worked up at the thought of taking it, he threw up a couple times.  When we finally got him to swallow it, he loved it!  Ahh, the joys of reasoning with a 3 year old!  I tried to tell him, I even took some to show him it was good (the stuff is so sweet it makes you gag after you taste it, not before).  

Gotta love a 10 minute meltdown, a shirt full of Tylenol that was spit out on you, a sticky floor from Tylenol being spit out on it, and a couple pukes only to get a big smile at the end and an, "I love medicine!" proclamation.

Showing off the shirt my brother got him for Christmas.

Construction Man Kade!

Fireman Kade!  We bought that tractor on the wall when we thought we were going to have to move his room to the basement.  Kade and I finally put it up last week, when Erik got home from work Kade showed it to him and said, "Now my room is the Party Room!".  I'm going to save that sticker for when Kade goes to college!  We'll see if he still thinks a tractor wall decal = PARTY!!!

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