Thursday, June 13, 2013

College Roommate Reunion

In college there were 6 girls, including me, who all lived together.  We try to get together at least once a year.  We've discovered the only way that is going to happen is if we bring our kids and leave our husbands.  This time 5 of the 6 made it.  3 of the roommates live in Milwaukee and it was our turn to come to them.

On Tuesday afternoon, Kade and I (along with Megan, Owen (5), Ellie (3), and Rylee (1)) drove to Milwaukee, WI.  We spent Tuesday night, all day Wednesday and Thursday morning playing.  At more than one point there was 11 kids, ages 5 and under, all under 1 roof!  It was perfect chaos.  The kids were playing, the moms were chatting and I'm not going to deny--there might have been some wine and other like beverages consumed!  Maybe that's why we all had smiles on our faces?

I was a little concerned about bringing Kade because he is a DADDY'S BOY!  I was worried how he would handle 2 nights without Erik.  He did pretty well but he was definitely very clingy to me.  He's so shy that he needed me in his sights at all times.  Of course, by the time we were leaving on Thursday afternoon he was ready to play without me there!  

My initial plan for bedtime was to lay with him until he fell asleep, then I would sneak away to catch up with my friends.  Can you guess what happened?  Yup, I fell asleep both nights and missed both opportunities to talk with my friends kids-free!  Not that I'm complaining because I do love my Kade Time, even if we're just sleeping!  Especially when we're not at home and I don't have "home owner" distractions to tend to.

Luckily, we all had our planners out and discovered another weekend in August we are all free and it's my turn to host!  This could be a record for us, 3 get togethers in one year!  That's more times than when we lived together even!  I think we had ONE night in college where we were all free at the same time and managed to have dinner together.  Obviously it was a good night because, no matter how hard it is, we make it a priority to stay in touch.  I'm glad we do because when we all get together its like no time has passed and we're as silly as we were when we were 21 (except there's A LOT less alcohol involved :-)

Of course we didn't get a group picture, or even very many pictures, but here's what I got.

On the road to Milwaukee!  It got a little long but they did great!  Even Rylee on the left, who held her potty for almost an hour!  Traffic was a little hairy and we couldn't pull over but she made it!

We're missing 2 kids and 2 moms in this picture but this was pretty much the theme of our trip.  Controlling the chaos!  We're on our way to get ice cream in this picture.

Life is good!

Movie time! AKA: mommy's need a break time.  Notice the only kid NOT watching the movie?  Yup, that's Kade-O the Tornado!

Uh oh.  We spent too much time in Packer Country.  We got out just in the knick of time, he's still a Vikings fan.

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