Thursday, June 6, 2013

After last week's excitement of KC, this week's post is pretty boring.  I made a promise to myself to do a new post every week but sometimes there's just not much to say.  So, this is a post of last week's pictures.  Look closely, you can see the, "rare, elusive, only comes out when it thinks no one is looking", sun!  Seriously Mother Nature, what did we do to you??

Last Wed we spent the morning hanging with Vi.  This is the best picture I could get because these 2 munchkins never stop moving!

Molly was helping Kade move sand.

Kade asked me if I would get in the wagon, I declined.  I value my life too much.

Kade and Paige.  Don't be fooled by their angelic faces.  These 2 are hiding piles of Starbursts behind their backs.  I've never seen a bigger sugar high than what I witnessed after we left this graduation party.  Cake, punch and candy are a lethal combo for a Kade that's naturally crazy!

Sunday Funday with Michael and Taylor.  Obviously Kade is a big fan of Taylor's cheeks :-)

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