Thursday, June 20, 2013

Kade's a Camper!

After we got back from Milwaukee last week, the next day we packed up the camper and headed out on our first family camping trip!  I grew up camping but it's been a few years since I've gone.  As I was packing up the camper I thought to myself, "This feels like second nature to me but at the same time it's A LOT more work being a Camping Mom than it is being a Camping Kid!"  Thankfully it didn't take long for me to adjust to being the "responsible" one :-)

We went with my good friend, Melisa, and her husband and sons.  Melisa and I have been friends since before we could walk.  Our families camped together for many years and she's been my partner-in-camping-crime for as long as I can remember.  Hopefully our kids don't pull some of the stunts that we pulled as Camping Kids :-) It was great to finally be back together!

Kade absolutely loved it and was a natural!  Of course it didn't hurt that the campground had 2 heated pools, 2 playgrounds, a full basketball court and every road was paved so he could bike everywhere.  Oh yeah, and it is on a lake, had a hay wagon ride pulled by a John Deere tractor and an ice cream shop was waiting after we got off.  I don't know why we even bothered bringing lawn chairs!  He was so wore out at the end of the day that he actually asked to go to bed!  There was a thunderstorm one night and, as you can imagine, it's pretty loud in a camper.  Kade didn't even wake up!  In fact, I don't think he even stirred!

This picture is for Lady A, he's wearing the swim goggles she bought him!

S'more time!  Ellie, Kade, Owen, Logan and Bode.

The biggest ice cream come I've ever seen.  Kade took it down like a champ!

Thank goodness for outdoor showers.  Ice cream + summer + 2 year olds DO NOT mix :-)

Bode and Kade.  The next generation of Melisa and Kristi?  I hope not!

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