Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Funny Kade

I've been trying to get Erik to do a post, until then we'll tide ourselves over with funny things Kade says!

Naps aren't going so well these days. He doesn't really fight them, he just doesn't go down as well as he used to. He also doesn't stay asleep as long either. I guess that means he's getting older, huh? :-(

Today, after I put him down, I grabbed the monitor and headed outside. He chatted, sang, jumped and fake cried for a good 25 minutes. All the while I listened and let him figure it out for himself. I also texted Erik a play-by-play.

Kade sang "Big Green Tractor", had a full conversation with High Tops (his stuffed giraffe), during which he told High Tops that he was a big boy and that he was sorry (who knows what's going through that cute, little blonde head of his?!). The best is when he very clearly said into the monitor, "Mom! I'm awake! I not sleeping! I gonna play! Okay?"

And here we are, exactly 1 hour later and he's sleeping like a baby...I mean, a big boy.

P.S. today's photos are from last week when he fought the nap so hard I ended up getting him out of bed and held him while he slept for 2 hours! I'm not going to complain about that but I did have to go to the bathroom for 1 hr and 45 min of that time :-)

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