Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Oktoberfest 2012

I went to college at UW-LaCrosse and Oktoberfest weekend was the best days of the year. Admittedly, I don't remember a lot of it and that's not because it's been 11 years since I called myself a student :-) This year we went back to Oktoberfest for a kid friendly version and I'm happy to say I remember all of it!!!

Kade loved the parade! Interestingly enough the kids outlasted the adults! It was 150 floats long, we were there for almost 3 hours and only made it to float #72. Yeah, it's a loooooong parade. Afterwards we went back to Ellie's house for food and fun!

Owen, Ellie's brother, is older (5) and therefore Kade's idol. We joked that Owen had a shadow all day. It was cute and Owen did so well playing with Kade. We can't wait to do it again next year!

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