Thursday, September 13, 2012

More pictures. See previous post for the first batch

Eating cherry tomatoes straight from the garden, that must be what makes them so delicious because if you put one on his plate at the dinner table he won't touch them!
Kade spent Monday's this summer on the farm with Grandpa and Grandma.  He's a farmer through and through!  He even said this to me the other day, "I'm a hard worker because I'm a farmer!".

Helping Grandpa with his "chores".

The most read book ever.  As you can tell by the cover, it's right up Kade's alley!!

Hanging with his cousin, Violet.

At the fair, sitting on the "corn bombine" (as Kade calls it).

This picture was taken at 5:00 in the afternoon after a day of playing with friends and no nap.  He was exhausted and CRABBY when we woke him up to eat dinner! :-)

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