Thursday, September 13, 2012

Random Summer Pictures

After looking through all the pictures we took this summer I realized there were some good ones that never made it into a blog post. There's some from the fair, the MN zoo and other various warm summer days.

This is a post of summer pictures, which makes me a little sad because summer is over. Another thing that makes me sad is Kade told me the other day that he's going to school and he's going to ride the school bus with his new shoes on. I'm not ready for school talk yet!!!

In one of the pictures it appears that Santa is in the background. He is. It was a Christmas In July thing at the park. Kade wasn't a big fan of him so that was our improvisation of getting a picture with Santa. As Santa was driving away Kade asked, "Where is the bad guy going?". He's got a lot to learn!!

Sorry for the randomness of the pictures! I still can't organize them or add captions with the blogger app on the iPad. Technology....geesh!!
Very first taste of a s'more!  He loved them as evident on the picture below, that's marshmallow all over his chin.

A weekend project:  Expanding our fire ring.  I think Kade worked harder than either Erik or I did!

Erik's mom's side of the family gets together every year for a picnic, we unofficially call it "Christmas In July".  Here we are burying Brennan, the other Eric and Kristi's son (there's 2 Erik and Kristi's in the family!). 

I don't know what we were thinking, not putting these kids in their swimsuits?!  Here's Brennan, Elizabeth, Reid and Kade--cousins.

Apparently the park also celebrates a "Christmas In July"!  Totally random that we happened to be there that weekend!
Kade's very first picture with "the bad guy" :-)
Molly and Kade out for a stroll. 
Kade's discovered Bob the Builder.  However, we don't get the channel so he watches youtube clips instead.

Super Kade!!!!

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