Friday, September 14, 2012

Correction - Mom's learning though

Kade and I are working very hard with Mom to teach her all the farm equipment.  She is getting pretty good, but I see we still have a little work to do.  In the previous post Kade is not sitting on a big "corn bombine".   It is a four wheel drive 9460R I believe (might have to double check with Kade after daycare) with 460 HP and a 24-speed manual shift or 18-PowerShift with Efficiency Manager.  Surprise Mom missed this one :-)

A corn planter is no longer a "seed spreader".  A forage harvestor (aka chopper) is no longer called a "dinosaur neck".  A field cultivator is no longer called a "field comb".

Kade also has Mom keeping a pretty close eye out for Bobcat's when traveling down the road.  Kade is still usually the first to point them out, but Mom has beat him a couple times!

See...Kade and I are making great progress!

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