Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Okay, so if you saw the cookie dunking video on a previous post it may seem like Kade wears the same shirt and eats a lot of Oreo's but I swear he does wear different clothes and he eats his fruits and veggies first! 

Everyday his vocabulary grows and he's starting to string 3 words together now.  Last night, after Erik cleaned his plate, Kade turned to me and said, "Daddy...more...hotdish!"  I assured Kade that if Daddy wanted seconds he could get them himself :-)

It amazes me how fast he's changing and maturing!  When we drop him off at daycare these days, he walks right in and barely looks back as he says, "Bye Mom!".  Since I don't drop him off very often I used to get big tears.  Not that I'm complaining but when did he get so independent?!

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