Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Sky Tower

Work has finally begun on the "swing set"!  I put that in quotes because to me a swing set is a few metal poles with a couple of swings hanging off it.  This thing, when it's done, will be more like a mini-castle!  It even has an observation deck with a telescope!  I don't know who'll be on it more, me or Kade!  This might be one of the few times I'm actually glad I'm short.

Erik and Michael's dad, Tim, have been spending any spare time they can find working on it.  The instructions say it takes, "two adults of average capability 24 hours to complete".  That just might be the funniest line in the 100 steps instruction booklet!  Lucky for the Dad's, they have 2 fantastic helpers!!

Were the screws in that bucket that Kade's playing with necessary to finish the project?  I hope not.

Do those 2 on the right look like "2 adults of average capability"???

Playing on the seats of their soon-to-be sandbox.

Boss Man #1 keeping a close eye on Erik's handiwork...

Boss Man #2 taking a 15 minute break.  Or, more like 15 second break.  I think it took him longer to actually get on the chair than the time he actually sat on it.

They seem to like what they see so far!

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