Thursday, March 1, 2012


In the nearly 19 months that Kade's been alive, he's spit up just 1 time.  Once.  We never even bothered with a burp rag when he was a baby because this kid keeps his food down!  He's still an eater.  Doesn't matter what we put on his plate, he devours it.  Sadly, his near-perfect record was wiped out last night.

We went to swimming lessons and he was fine.  Came home and played for an hour and he was fine.  Just as we were coming upstairs to have some milk before he bed he started crying and we couldn't figure out why, and then the flood gates opened up!  I didn't think that much puke could come out of such a little person!!  He continued to throw up 6 more times in a 3 hour period.  Poor guy, by the end there was nothing left.  He went through 5 sets of pajamas, and Erik and I went through 5 sets of clothes!

We thought maybe he drank too much swimming pool water and caught something from that.  We were cursing swimming lessons and vowing to never sign up for them again!  However, this morning I got a call from daycare saying that all the boys had been throwing up and whatever the bug is, it leaves just as fast it comes.  Which is true because Kade slept through the night and is completely normal today.  He's eating everything in sight and everywhere I look I see destruction in the wake of Kade-O the Tornado.

The saddest looking sick boy I've ever seen :-(

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